FloraFlex PotPro Platform Drainage System – 4 Pot. When it comes to our gardens, we want nothing but the best. Featuring a Max PSI of 50PSI and a minimum PSI of 15PSI the FloraFlex PotPro Platform Drainage System – 4 Pot helps keep a flowing water stream throughout the whole system, allowing for all your plants to get some water.
Please Note: Requires additional PVC piping to be attached to the system.
Max psi of 50psi
Min psi of 15psi
Easy to set up
Water flow control
Environmentally friendly
Pump type (jet pump)
Psi Requirement
Maximum 50 PSI (116′ Total Lift)
Optimal 25 – 35 PSI (58′ – 81′ Total Lift)
Minimum 15 PSI (35′ Total Lift)
Table Size 4′ x 4′
Plants Per Table 9
Flow Rate Gpm(Red 10Gph Inserts) 1.33
Flow Rate Gpm(Red 20Gph Inserts) 2.67
Flow Rate Gpm(Red 30Gph Inserts) 4.00
Pump Type Jet Pump
Included In Your Bundle
Potpro 4x 5gal
Matrix 1x 10.5″x12″
Matrix Pad 1x 10.5″x12″
Matrix Circulator 1x 3″
Flora Tube 1/4″ Od 1x 100′
Qdps Multi Flow 1x 3/4″ T
Air Bleed Valve 2.0 1x (Single Unit)
Potpro Platform 4x
Potpro Platform Fitting X Elbow 2x (Unit)
Potpro Platform Fitting X T 2x (Unit)
Potpro Drainage X Elbow 2x (Unit)
Potpro Drainage X T 1x (Unit)
Potpro Link 7x 2ft (Unit)
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